Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hay ye all 2week wonder it works

Yep I would recommend this for ye all... I had a great time with Jared on our road trip, stood out in the rain at the ball games, and loved every minute of it. Jared played real well, hit the ball ran the bases and even played in the muddies water on the field. Yep Great fun.. Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, Glen canyon Dam, Cedar brakes and loss of snow.... Home at last, o nothing like being home... The next week fun and games with the VA...Salem to Salt Lake City up and back, up and back, up and back,,, 122 miles each time o ya did I menchen that there is no place like Home!!! :)

This is for all the grand children xoxoxoxoxoxoxox LoVe ye All Dad

1 comment:

Becca said...

:) Thanks for telling us a bit about your trip, Dad. What was your *favorite* thing??