Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day...

It snowed Friday night here. Real snow. The pretty kind. It snowed 3-4 inches of beautiful, fluffy whiteness and then--Saturday--it was beautiful and sunny and warmish, so everything melted.

Now THAT is my kind of winter. Beautiful snow, and then it melts.
Dave spent the most time in it because the rest of us are pansies. He built our whole family in snowmen. They looked awesome. (You'll notice how accurate they are--he even gave me saggy boobs. HA!) When they started melting, we all had fun kicking them to smithereens.
Let's see... what else?
Oh yes. Happy Valentines. We love you!


dave said...
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dave said...

Ok so the only "true to life" sculpting I tried to do was to get the relative heights correct - and of course the relative size of Caleb's gargantuan cranium.

ROCKYdms said...

I this life there is no, no, perfect body! and if we just learn that the happier we will all be, "faster!!!" Just look at me... there is not been
enough snow to make my belle as big as it needs to be.... So Just Enjoy the journey... Love Dad