Sunday, February 21, 2010

100 days

What did you do to celebrate 100 days down? The kindergartners at Berkeley Arts Magnet counted 100 steps twice, ran for 100 seconds, did 100 jumping jacks, and ate 100 boiled eggs. Really quite a party, and only a few kids reported feeling sick at the end of the extravaganza. Ellie however was pretty bummed when she found out there was school the next day. I didn't have the heart to tell her she has 80 left to go!

Addison for his part is a bit under the weather, but was able to set up a playdate with a friend so they could (he informed me later) practice their knife throwing skills. Apparently Addison is offering lessons at school. Boy am I glad his teacher has very selective hearing.

Lafe for his part in family politics is mostly working on his rollover. He only seems to be able to do it in the kids room whn we aren't watching, so we aren't sure of his form, but he is supposed to be the athletic one, so I guess I will buy it.

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