Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Get outa here!

So for those who don't know Pops and I took ourselves a little road trip this past weekend. Oh I know what you are thinking... "Dad? Take some of his vacation hours?" But it's true... We started off by heading out on friday afternoon to Mesquite for a softball tournament I would be playing in the following day. How did the tournament go you might ask.. Well all things considered we did ok.

We had about 8 different guys bail out on us the week of the tournament and ended up only playing with 3 guys that we would normally have on one of our teams. 5 of the people that played we had never met until the start of our first game, and thats just the start of the problems we had. So like I said considering we did ok.... We might have lost every game but we still took 9th and come to find out the 3 teams we did play took 1st 2nd and yep you guessed it 3rd.

After the tournament dad and I headed to Las Vegas or as mom calls it "lost wages" and spent the night there. I having not slept well the night before passed out by 9 according to dad who for the first and probably last time in his life can say he actually stayed up longer than I did.

The next morning after breakfast and a failed attempt on dads part to find a sacrament meeting we headed for what I thought would be another desert town in the middle of no where surrounded by cactus and tumble weeds. We drove south east, and stopped at the Hoover Dam, which come to find out dad had never seen.. and then headed into on of the bigger surprises of the trip.. Snow... Wait, snow? In Arizona? What the heck, why are we climbing through a range of mountains? Yeah needless to say I had no clue Flagstaff was at 8,000 feet and had 4 feet of snow.

After a good night in Flagstaff and a great game by the Saints we headed to the south rim of the grand canyon! O.O Thats all I have to say.. If you haven't seen it you might want to consider a trip some time in the near future. The snow added a nice little touch of awesome to it. The only thing that would made that cooler is if I woulda had a parachute and a helicopter to pick me up at the bottom. After that we had quite the adventure seeing summer and winter in the same season on our drive home. Which was great and though took a very long time seemed to pass quite quickly. The end... oh and if you want pictures look em up on facebook... oh and I started my own blog you should check it out. ""
Thanks all
much love

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