Sunday, January 10, 2010


Have I told you guys that I've started my own Graphic Design business?

Sort of.

I have a graphic design blog. I even use a pseudonym. I'll bet none of you can guess. (NOT YOU, MOM.) If you can guess correctly, I'll send you a King Size Candy Bar of your choice.

I've also got a "shop" on etsy, and have had 4 people (FOUR!) look at my designs.

I have never been more proud.

Now start guessin'. Those King Size Candy Bars aren't going to send themselves.


Adam S. said...

I wouldn't even know what to guess. Maybe some German name?

Becca said...

You'd be closer if you thought of your OWN name, Adam. :)

lesli said...

Okay adam's hint threw me off. I looked on Etsy and could figure it out. another little hint?

Mom said...

I know, I know!!!

Becca said...

It's a mix of Adam's name and mine.

lesli said...

okay I have never been good at thses puzzles. Decca? Bam? Amecca? Do I get points for trying?

Becca said...

Lesli--you totally get a candy bar for trying.


lesli said...

ahh--i totally should have thought of that! way better than bam!

Mom said...

You guys make me laugh, and that's awesome!