Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Year of all Years...

Well,look what has happened,2009 went by so very fast and now the year of all years 2010 has just arrived, and what are we to do with it? Will let me see,we can just stay home and sit around, na, or we can plan activities with are family's that are close, no mean of them around this Utah area. So hear is my thoughts how about we plan some time that we can get on Skye, say Sunday Night. send pitcher to us on the blog or on the e-mail, me could every start a long range came of some kind and make the mover all over the USA, and of course I mom gets to be the big winner. or how about a talk with dad once a month for 20 minutes, I proms that I will Lesson more that I talk, and will not try to fix all of the stuff, RSVP with any of your ideas. I love each of you very much. So let's all plan to have a GREAT 2010!!!! ya

1 comment:

Becca said...

:) I love you, Dad. Of course I'd like to talk to you for 20 minutes a month. And what kind of game? Like a "Flat Stanley" idea??
