Sunday, January 17, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday was our kids' school assembly for MLK day. Ellie's class recited a poem, and Addison's class (actually, all the 2nd grade) sang two songs: "Thanks you Miss Rosa" honoring Rosa Parks, and "This Little Light of Mine". Below are a couple of pics and links to video.

By the way, in the middle picture you'll see Addison holding the respectable shirt we sent him to school in. I don't want you to think we consider scroungy T-shirts appropriate performance attire.

Here are links to YouTube for the songs. I'm not promising pure musical entertainment. It will take familial love to make these baby's worth watching.


Addison (Miss Rosa)

Addison (This little Light)

1 comment:

Becca said...

Love this! Cracking up at the little girl with the scarf who was off beat, and the guy next to her who just decided that clapping wasn't for him. Ellie, on the other hand did great!

And that guitar player was awesome. I was very impressed. :)