Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Grace is nine Years Old Today!

Happy Birthday to Gracie today! (well, it's her birthday now in Omaha where I hope she lies sleeping, though we still have an hour to go before midnight...) I have spent some time today remembering the day that Grace was born- becoming a grandma for the first time was one of the funnest things I have ever done (and it has never lost it's charm for me!) She was early, so she took us by surprise, and she was tiny- a delightful first for our family- well, except for dad- who was 4 pounds (by the birth certificate, not grandma's telling) Becca and I hit ZCMI the next morning (Grace was born on a Sunday)- and we looked at every piece of cute, little-girl, preemie sized stuff we could find, and we found a lot. Jen & Bry were pro's from the start- there was a nice note on the door of their home asking sick people to come back when they were well, and well people to step into the bathroom to wash their hands before even peeking at this tiny new person. Everyone (and I mean everyone) was in love with Gracie.
Gracie, just think- it has been a year now since you made the decision to be baptized...time really goes fast, doesn't it? Have fun today being with family and friends, eating cake, and opening presents - remember that I and the rest of your Smith family, though far away, will think about you today and will smile. I love you!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Grace, I was great to talk with you today on your 9th birthday. From all that you told me you must of had a great day. I love you so much and you have been in my thoughts and pray for quite a while. It's hard being the old's child at times,just rember that you are loved and prayed for from a log way a way Utah Happy birthday from Gram pa Don