Sunday, March 28, 2010

Harry Potter

This week we threw caution to the wind --skipped a little homework and stayed up a little too late, but we finished number 6 in the Harry Potter series. I started reading it to the kids just before Lafe was born--poor Addison was really getting grief from the librarian about how long he had had the book checked out. We finally got the book on tape and sailed through the last half. Friday night we watched the movie and ate way too many Twizzlers. So our recommendation of the week is Harry Potter on CD--You won't regret it!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Lesli--isn't the narrator for the Harry Potter books just fantastic?? I never get tired of listening to them. What did your kids think of the 6th movie?
Did Lafe get to watch? Or was he relegated to the Little Kids room?