Sunday, May 30, 2010


I took Addison and Ellie camping at Del Valle regional park near Livermore, CA Friday night. Addison got right to work trying to dig out a snake hole, and Ellie started pounding down marshmallows. Addison by definition is a walking fire hazard, but we managed to walk away with only a burned fishing pole (he thought it would make a good torch).

In case anyone was worried, Lafe didn't get totally ripped off. He got to stay home and eat pork chops with his mom. Quick family poll: Does anyone else think it is wrong to let a 7 month old chew on a bone? Lesli walked down to our apartment lobby for some reason and left the chop bone in Lafe's mouth. A neighbor from an unnamed developing country said "Oh how cute, we let children in our country chew on bones too." I think this proves my point that it's a bad idea


Becca said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek. That baby is SO.CUTE. I nnnnneeeeed him to come play at my house. Please.

And send your other kids. We'll all go camping together!! :)

Looks like a blast.

Becca said...

PS--Why is chewing on a bone bad? Isn't bone marrow good for you?

Jen Nielsen said...

holy cow! He is so grown up! What a cutie!

Mom said...

Such fun- I love that you take the time to do that stuff- and my kids all chewed on bones (and carrot sticks, and corn cobs, and, and) and they all turned out fine, RIGHT???!