Friday, December 4, 2009

Demo-whatics? ;)

Ok so I'm not cool like Becca and don't know who to post the video right on to the website buuuuttttt.... Here is the link to a video I think most (if not all) of you will find quite interesting. Let me know what you think or how you feel eh?


Becca said...

Uuuum... I'm not sure what you want me to say to this. I find videos like this to be awful. Why the creepy music? What's wrong with Muslims?

It's true that the indigineous populations of Europe are declining, and that's sad, but what is so bad that there are many Muslims in Europe? They tend to be family oriented, reverent people with a strong belief in God. That's more than you can say about many Europeans.

I do not fear Islam. There is truth there. I do not fear immigrants. They are good people. And I have a big problem with anything that perpetuates fear and hate.

That's all. Over and out.

lesli said...

here is an onteresting counter point.

J-Swiss said...

I didnt say i was "hating" on the muslims or anything like that. Don't get me wrong they scare the ever living crap out of me (I've been in the philippines where the Muslims are more feared than the national army and with good reason). I just thought it was an interesting video that had some very interesting facts in it. I'm not against any religion or faith at all, and I guess i need clarify that its the terroristic extremists that scare me (which is about 90% of them where i was).

Like I said, I just thought it was an interesting video and could make for some good discussion. And les thanks for the website it has a lot of info on it with some other interesting points of view.

Becca said...

I have to say, that I watched this again and inserted "Mormons" instead of Muslims and found it really funny.

Jared--you better get busy and kick out a few kids. Help us out here! ;)

And did you really meet that many extreme Muslims?

J-Swiss said...

I only met a few, but feared for my life for the next few days haha... But I more and more are pouring up from the south.. come to find out the bottom half of my mission is basically becoming a war zone and there are no foreign elders down there anymore. "the muslims are starting to kill lots of people." thats what i was told when i asked why... Weird huh?