Sunday, December 12, 2010

The quiet times of Christmas

Hey all,
I was at home last night and had just put Evie to bed and Mariah was at work, so I found myself with some quiet time. The Christmas tree lights were on and I sat down on the couch and just stared for a while. I suddenly found myself thinking of all that I have to be grateful for and things that mean so much to me. It always seems to happen to me this time of year. I thought of my two year old now doing her best impression of a rooster "Cock a dook a doo!" I thought of my wife, who at the time was hard at work and how much I miss her being at home for moments like this. I thought of the good job I have, and the opportunities I have coming. I thought of the apartment that we have, and how it has perfectly met our families needs. Thoughts like this just flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but to think of my family members. From coast to coast and just about everywhere in between. And I don't get to talk to all of you often as I would like, my quiet time at Christmas led me to all of you. I hope all is well and that all of you are feeling as blessed as I am. I love you all.



Becca said...

Best post ever.
Love ya.

Mom said...

I agree... so much like my own feelings. Thanks, Ben!