Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Conversation With Ellie

Today we are on the sixth day of our 24 hour flu. Lafe has been the worst off--mostly on account of not being able to tell us when he is going to loose his lunch. So thisafternoon I was trying to humor Ellie and play house with her.

Ellie as mom: Ah, I have the worst kids.

Me: you sound pretty upset.

Ellie: I just have way too many kids. (4) They all have horrible tempers. It is like I can't get anything done. I clean one room in the house and they just mess it up. The baby is the worst, but the older kids teach the baby all the bad stuff.

Me: Maybe the grandma could take them so you could get the house clean?

Ellie: good idea--maybe she can put them all in time out.

All I could say was--I wasn't sure what to say, so Lafe and I snuck out and left the kids with grandma. Here is hoping they shape up for her!

1 comment:

Becca said...

HA! HAHAAHA! I love this post. Almost as much as I love Ellie. (And Bravo for playing house with her!)