Monday, July 26, 2010

trips that you never come home from!

This last week has been heaven sent,If a trip to East land Utah,and the baptism of our oldies grandson, the server was help at the Eastland chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints. Great grandmother played the hymns, Great grandfather gave a prayer, Denise Lead the music,Benjamin gave a baptism talk and Grandmother Dian talked on the Holy Ghost a sister did the closing prayer, and we drove 2 mile to the pond. This was very special place Dian was baptize at this same location 56 years earlier. Then we went back to the church for a find dinner, It was great to see and fell the Gospel being lived and performed by the priest of God. we left and drover to Cortes Colorado and get some food for the rest of the trip....This was just the start,more to follow. Love ye all Dad

1 comment:

lesli said...

glad you could come Don!