Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rats! Sorry Dave!

There is no excuse for not realizing until now that I had let Dave's birthday come and go without a post to mark the day. And what a day it was to be! Becca gave him a guys dream gift- Sky Diving! Holy cow- an experience of a lifetime, except they don't jump when it rains, and it rained- though barely, but it was enough to shut it down. humph! When I spoke with him later he was at his philosophical best... and that's one of the things I like about Dave. It took kids of his own for him to discover that he had any hint of a limit when it comes to temper. Kids can do that.
I remember when Dave and Becca were friends, each busy dating other people. Becca grew tired of me saying "but what about Dave?" She would reply "Mom, he just doesn't think of me in that way...". I am happy that when the time was right things changed.
I appreciate having Dave in our family - steady, devoted, well disciplined- he is an example to me in a lot of important ways. I love you, Dave, and hope you had a great birthday!

1 comment:

Becca said...

:) yeah. happy birthday, dave.