Caleb is showing me his porcupine.
Caleb... Has a cough that sounds like a dragon hocking up a fireball. (Is hocking really a word??) He told me today that he could eat 40 hot dogs. I believe him. His favorite thing about Thanksgiving was playing football outside. Oh, and his sleeping through dinner. Oh wait, that was my favorite part.
Ainsley is eating a pickle in this picture.
Ainsley...Loves her dad. More than me. I'm okay with this. She really loves bananas, pickles, cranberry sauce, and soy milk. She does not like the word "NO." She's turned into a howling screecher with a temper. Goody. This bodes well for the next 18 years.
I... am into Modern Family (Adam. Seriously--have you seen it??? You must.) And my blogs. And our Christmas tree. I am not into my calling.
Dave... is trying to talk me out of spending money. Seven years now. Still no luck. He went on a bike ride this morning, and this afternoon he's going to watch the BYU football game, so I assume it's a good day?
We toyed with the idea of dressing Caleb up like this for Halloween and having him go as a WWF wrestler "THE CALEB."
But we were afraid that someone would turn us in to child protective services.
I can't WAIT to put this clip on his wedding video someday.
Yep, that's Evalyn as the Cutest.mummy.ever....