It's just a Threat
It is 7:12 Addison is finishing his homework, Adam is pushing back the frontiers of science, Lafe is consuming his daily allotment of milk, and Ellie is in the bath. Just when I think all is settled, I heard the water come back on. I politely yelled to turn the water off and Ellie Obliged, then thity seconds later, I heard the water turn back on. This time I feel I need to follow my polite yell up with "If you turn the water back on, you won't get a nighttime snack."
Ellie almost polietly yells that she needs more water. Luckily Addison is able to pull himself away from his homework to mediate. "Ellie don't worry. That was just a threat. Mom isn't going to do anything."
"Really," Ellie Replies with a lift in her voice."
"Yeah, says the expert Addison, "People say stuff all the time, but they won't really do it. Don't Worry."
Now I am the one who has to worry!
HA! Ha ha ha! That reminds me of another dad-ism: That's not a threat, it's a promise.
Ah Les! Addison just insists in confirming the part of his genetic inheritance that came from his father! My mirth at his dismantling the bookcase was tempered however when I found out today that it is not fixable. I am sorry about that- they held one heck of a lot of books. Maybe back to the old college dorm standby of boards on bricks, eh? I love you- hang in there!
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