Yesterday was a special day for me because it was a special day for someone I love- Gretchen Kate Nielsen- who turned seven years old on Friday! It was fun to think back and remember the day she was born- (how very tiny she was!) and it was even more fun to talk with her on the phone- she said she had a great day at school, and was looking forward to dinner, cake, and another present, this one from Grandma Pat. Gretchen, I love your happy smile, I love how you love to help people, and I love your wonderful energy. I am so glad you had a great day- I am happy I am your grandma! 
Gretchen Kate- soooo big!
Happy Birthday, Gretchen! I hope it was a GREAT day!! :)
--Aunt Becca
Thanks for posting, it made Gretch feel so special! :)
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