What is a door handle or two I thought, but then a neighbor told me about the city of Berkeley's rec program. She said they had some fun activities for way cheaper. Hey I think to myself the diversity will be good for the kids. So when I found sports camp for $5/ week I decided to give it a try.
Adam dropped them off the first day. He came home and said I think they guy is just planning on having them run the whole week. And sure enough it was track week at camp. the kids ran their little hearts out. I can't say that they loved it, but they slept well. Week two the participation in camp dropped by about 90%. We missed Monday and by Wednesday Ellie said she didn't feel great, so I just took Addison. When I came back to pick him up, but he wasn't outside. I went into the community center--with a gym--not there I came back out and asked someone with a staff t-shirt on
"Hey do you know where the sports camper are?"
"Did you check the game room, " she asked?
I had not, so I ventured in and sure enough, here were the sports campers. I guess the theme for week two was billiards because there they were all bustled up to the pool table, stick in hand. To the sports camp coach's credit, the kids seemed engaged and he did have a lot of tips for them. Addison even won a game--I think on account of the other kid hitting the 8 ball in, but a win is a win. Now we just have to lobby the IOC to get it recognized as an Olympic sport and we are set.
Seriously, Lesli. Just when I think I couldn't love your posts more, you post something like this and I just.do. You are the best writer.
And yes, summer camps. What do they think this is? PRIVATE SCHOOL or something? I held out on Ballet Camp until our ballet teacher offered it to me at more than 50% off. I was very proud of myself.
Ok, I'm laughing. Is this boy that carves his name in the dresser the same one that wants the throwing knives? I rest my case. I love your can do attitude, Les, and your writing, and your kids. Love you!
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