I really like this picture of dad... he has always been one to get a day's work done no matter how long or difficult the task- this photograph shows that it has always been thus. Now that I am more familiar with some of his experiences while serving in the Marine Corp I have an increased admiration for his willingness to shoulder an unpleasant burden and see it through - Semper Fi Don- may we all prove as faithful as you have done!

I chose this photo over one taken on our wedding day to represent our early years together- as clueless and young as we were we had one thing going for us - he loved me like a rock, and I loved him back in the same way. We had not intended to wear these outfits for the photo session- I had taken our "sunday clothes", but the photographer saw us before we changed and invited us back as we were- when he heard that Dad had a cowboy hat out in the car, well- as you can see, that was quite a hat. The pose is a good one- I have always been surrounded and sheltered by dad and his love for me- far from feeling smothered, I have felt empowered, supported, and protected. Thank you Don, for helping me to grow and learn as I have been able to do.

I love this picture too, as I am sure each of you will. This was taken out target shooting with some of the fam- dad's delight is obvious, isn't it? Don has always been as rock solid for his family as he has been for me.... we have all been blessed by this man.

It was hard to chose a good grandpa Don shot, thankfully, we have quite a few. I love the relaxed and easy expression he wears here. I also love the sea star Ellie is holding, we have seen so much in traveling to see our far flung family- it's been an unexpected blessing in our lives.

This little kiss on my cheek is as sincere as the first he ever gave me, and there have been times when I have tried the man's patience sorely. Thank you, Don, for who you are and for how well you love us all- I hope you have a birthday as great and wonderful as you are!
Sniff, I loved these posts, Mom. They made me teary-eyed. Love you both.
Just got on for the first time since summer. So sorry I missed your birthday. At least you are in good company, mom and Becca have been jipped too. I love the post and youDad!
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