Monday, August 30, 2010
High on a Mountain Top
Sunday, August 22, 2010

There's something about getting a picture of all three kids together,
especially when they don't know you're watching them.

This one was when Ainsley just plunked herself down on the ground and waited for one of us to come back and pick her up. She seems to be reconsidering her decision to learn to walk in the first place... but then deciding that it might be worth it for the shoes.

And who cares about an old apple tree? I do.
I would rather take pictures of this then jump out of an airplane any time. I'm just sayin'.
You can go watch the skydiving video now.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Berkeley Parks: Mortar Rock Park
Well I was successful in trying to skydive today, after a rain out last week. It was really cool – hard to explain. My favorite moment was when I first fell out of the plane and we went upside down for a few seconds. Staring straight at the clouds, accelerating quickly, falling down. It all happened so fast – at least the free fall part. And by fast I mean I was moving 120 mph. Going up it was kind of surreal. Realizing I wouldn’t be coming back down in the plane. Becca and the kids were great. They cheered for me when I got back. Multiple people commented to me on how cute Caleb was the whole time I was gone. “My daddy do SKYDIVING!!!!” Ainsley: “daddy chute”
sweet face shot
The video is pretty cool. They said they’d send me an online version in a week or two.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Happy Birthday to the Man (Part I)

Happy Birthday to the Man! (part II)

Sunday, August 15, 2010
I love it!
Rats! Sorry Dave!
I remember when Dave and Becca were friends, each busy dating other people. Becca grew tired of me saying "but what about Dave?" She would reply "Mom, he just doesn't think of me in that way...". I am happy that when the time was right things changed.
I appreciate having Dave in our family - steady, devoted, well disciplined- he is an example to me in a lot of important ways. I love you, Dave, and hope you had a great birthday!
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sports Camp

Friday, August 6, 2010
Finally a post from the colo -RAD- ans
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Our Charleston Trip...

but exactly how good those smores were.

Caleb in his chomper pajamas
and 300 year old Charleston cobblestone.
Not that I'd really ever expected to put the two together,