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Our Bathroom renovation..
Where do I start? Certainly this is unlike any experience we have ever had before... a hole in your ceiling is so, well, so impressive. Your ceiling on the floor of your bathroom- that's pretty remarkable too, as is seeing your tub filled with attic insulation. Honestly? well, for a while there I just about lost it. Today, however, is a new day. (Don't you just love getting a chance to approach life's challenges afresh with the dawning of a new day? It makes all the difference for me.)
I cannot begin to convey the absolute mess of it - We have samples in Salt Lake City undergoing testing for asbestos, answers are promised tomorrow morning. Solutions will be 100% simpler if they come back negative. After a $500 deductible all will be cared for- cleaning up the mess, drying out the inside of walls, replacing the split copper pipe that dripped destruction into the insulation in the attic, a new ceiling, new paint, even cleaning the carpet. All so very nice... if there's no asbestos (which our insurance company will not allow.) If there is... well, that's another post, and one I hope I will never make. To quote Marjorie Hinckley "The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh, crying gives me a headache." We'll do "after" pictures when we've recovered. Love you all!
okay--that is super lame. It sort of reminds me of Ben and Jodi's fire--I just hope in the end you get a super cool bathroom!
Im so sorry! That stinks big time! I too hope you get a fab roof and ceiling after all of this.
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