If only a picture really was worth a thousand words, but these pictures fall short of the morning for us today. Dad was sure surprised... at a loss for words, actually. It's one of the few times I have witnessed someone be left speechless. A man of action, however, he swung right into gear descending the stairs with his new flag in hand. In no time the bow was off, the balloons removed and the rope was being lowered to bring the brass flag anchors into reach. This picture gives a good feel for how tall the pole is... it's way up there, taller than the house to be sure. (lightening anyone?) It was fun to watch, we even had neighbors waiting for dad to come out. And perhaps the best one of all, and that's dad being so perfectly dad. The perfect gift for a richly deserving guy - Thanks to everyone for being our family. We love you Dad!
Welcome to our family blog. Post pictures, tell your latest jokes (DAD), upload a video from your fancy-pants Mac computer, and tell us all what's goin' on. It's so much easier than gossiping through Mom. S'rsly people.
And I will pester you about it. Cuz I'm super-awesome like that.
Thanks for posting pictures--I love that you pulled off the surprise!!! Ha! Such a perfect gift for such an amazing Dad.
Love you, Papa. *mwaw*
That is awesome! Dad did just what I pictured him doing. :) It looks awesome, just what he deserves. Loves
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