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I Can't Believe It!
Thursday, December 18th, 1969- (We had "settled" for the 18th as the cultural hall was already rented for Friday, the 19th and we couldn't have our reception then. Now I DO love the number 18!) Dad has on a shirt that has a ruffled lace front and patent leather dress shoes- I am an honest 5'9" tall and weigh 133 pounds. Boy can things change! Ponder the meaning of 40 years with me. How do you do that? Well, think of 40 Christmas's. 40 tax deadlines. 80 birthdays- (40 for each of us...) as my mother used to say- "lordy!" She said that a lot, mostly when frustrated, but it comes to mind sometimes when something clicks and takes me by surprise. I was looking through some photos tonight to find some to scan. When you love taking pictures like I do, can you begin to imagine how many I have acquired in the last 40 years? What does one do with ALL THOSE PHOTOGRAPHS!?!?? (the answer is obvious- you grow old and die and leave them all to your kids... hee hee hee!) I have resisted saying anything about 40 years of hopping into the sack with dad- that would be too personal and I am not as brave as Becca about saying things for the shock value- but still, 40 years! Ummm- perhaps we have pondered long enough... I have such funny stories I could tell (like the day Aunt Diane walked in on dad- who was buck naked.) I don't remember who was more embarrassed- Aunt Diane or Dad. Oh how she did shriek- so did your dad, come to think of it. I laughed myself silly. The lesson in this little incident is never rent an apartment that has a bathroom door that looks like a back door, especially if you are newly wed. There are plenty of fun and funny stories to balance out some of the challenges we have faced, and I am thankful we are both still here, and still together. Join our celebration and post some of your memories. (if you need pictures just call me- I probably have one!)
This picture was taken for our second anniversary (1971)- earlier that year we had survived a nasty head-on car accident that could have (and the highway patrol said should have) killed us both. Feeling we had been spared gave us a new perspective on our lives- I hope we can honestly say that we have tried to learn from the experiences we have shared.
Aw, this was a great post, Mom. Hm... memories of you two?... I'm going to have to think on that.
And I do NOT say things for the shock value. I only learned to be uninhibited because of YOU, Mom. ;)
I remember when I got old enough to understand why you would "run away" eeeeewwwe!!! LOL
Hmmm... I have too think a bit more myself.
I always remember the camp out at Payson lakes where we got DUMPED on! It felt like the rain would never quit, and you guys made some of the best spaghetti that I have ever tasted (maybe it was because we were camping and that makes ALL food better). In all it must have been a nightmare for mom and dad. But to show their dedication they raised six of us and are still together. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
On thing that sticks out to me is how Mom and Dad can keep entirely different sleep patterns. My adolescent years are filled with the pattern of Dad zonking out at 9:00, and Mom being awake past midnight. I suppose it kept them both sane in a way and may be why they've made it these impressive 40 years.
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