Monday, December 14, 2009

2009 Redux


mom said...

I love this! How fun to see a year full of fun- and a new baby to boot! Thank you!

Becca said...

Wow--you seriously had to take a lot of time to get the picture in sync with the music. I'm impressed!

dave said...

Love the psychadelic x-ray shot.

Adam S. said...

Thanks for the positive feedback. It was a fun to make but it did take some time to figure out Microsoft Movie Maker. I hope the music wasn't too much. I was scrolling through our camera very fast to find a specific photo and thought "wouldn't it look cool if this were synced with music?" The song is a little noisy for general consumption, but it seemed to fit perfectly with showing a years worth of photos in 2 and a half minutes.

Jen Nielsen said...

That was awesome! The x-ray was for sure the best! :) You look like you have a very exciting fun life out in the sunshine. So glad your doing well! :) Merry Christmas.