We like to party. We like, we like to party.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Lafe's New Toy?
Addison and Ellie are "teaching" Lafe how to play with his new ball popper. His only Christmas wish is to not get crushed.
Addison made this AND took the video with his new Discovery Kids camera!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas from dad just couldn't remember his log in
Wisdom from this year: That the cruise with family is a great way to see place you have neaver seen with the family is just the best.. The East Cost and the West Cost are relay quit differ, hoevery they both have a lot of water... That when families get together its OK to have differences and leering that bond each of us closer..Bug water toys can cause pain..
That just because we see thing a little different that's OK, we all nead some one else perspective to lift us both... I am so so proud of each of you,
Thanks for being part of my life...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
okay just a copy and past from my blog
First off i have decided to find a job in Salt Lake City ( had a second interview yesterday)
Second have decided to live life like there is no tomorrow, Because really honestly who knows if there is one!!!!!!
Third i have finally found and am no longer scared of a woman that loves me with everything she has and loves me unconditionally :-) very happy about this
Fourth I am undertaking a few changes in my life i am starting P90X again tomorrow can't wait, I am also starting the Ultimate Edge by Tony Robbins (Plus every other program he has out) If you don't know who he is, I suggest looking him up!!!!!
Fifth I love my life and by may 28 I am going to look HOTT!!!!! That is my best friends Graduation and i promised I would Be all fit (I can't wait)
Second have decided to live life like there is no tomorrow, Because really honestly who knows if there is one!!!!!!
Third i have finally found and am no longer scared of a woman that loves me with everything she has and loves me unconditionally :-) very happy about this
Fourth I am undertaking a few changes in my life i am starting P90X again tomorrow can't wait, I am also starting the Ultimate Edge by Tony Robbins (Plus every other program he has out) If you don't know who he is, I suggest looking him up!!!!!
Fifth I love my life and by may 28 I am going to look HOTT!!!!! That is my best friends Graduation and i promised I would Be all fit (I can't wait)
Now it's here! Now it's here!
Just in case you lost your DVD copy--make sure you take time to watch this today! :)
Merry Christmas Eve, Family!
Love you.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Addison's Bench
Adventure Playground is a very Berkeley-type place. Kids really do rule. They build paint and manage the space with little influence from adults. It still seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen, but for now, it is Addison's all-time favorite park. Below are some pics from a couple of weeks ago. He designed the bench and built it from scratch. He did all of the hammering, and all I added was a little muscle so that the sawing didn't take all afternoon. Ellie helped out with paint. He was very proud of it, and I was very proud of him.

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas Madness
Sledding and Sunday Afternoon
Right now in North Carolina...
"Hey, let's go on a Sunday walk!"
"Okay!""Hold my haaaaaand..."
"Take one of me, Mom!"
(Yes. We went out in public like this.)
"I'll just climb up on this wall here, to get a picture...
OOOOOOOOF..... Nevermind."
("Hefty, Hefty, Hefty!.. Wimpy, Wimpy, Wimpy....")
(Translation: "It's cold. It's cold. It's COOOOOOOOOLD.")
"Don't fall in, Dave. Don't fall in. I won't even laugh."
"I'm the hare. You guys be the tortoise. Only I win."
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Mom & Dad
I know Its a kinda thrown together but heres to our parents and the love they have shown us over all the years. We love you and want nothing more than to make you proud, because heaven knows we are proud to be your kids.
Friday, December 18, 2009

Obviously Thanksgiving in Omahaha was beeeeautiful!

This is thee only pic Charz gave us any smile at all, we'll take the cheese. :)

Last night we went and watched Gretch star in, "the Cheetah and the sloth". She did a great job and was so happy to be the focus for all of us, all at the same time.

Grace and I are still trying to thaw out after her field trip. We rang the bell for the Salvation Army and sang carols. It was alot of fun, I think thats how we got so frozen.
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad...
Ma-waige is what bwings us, togevah, to-daaaay...
Mawaigge, that bwessed awangement--that dweam wivin a dweam.
Wuv. Twue wuv.
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad.
It was so fun to celebrate with you.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
2nd try
I Can't Believe It!

I have such funny stories I could tell (like the day Aunt Diane walked in on dad- who was buck naked.) I don't remember who was more embarrassed- Aunt Diane or Dad. Oh how she did shriek- so did your dad, come to think of it. I laughed myself silly. The lesson in this little incident is never rent an apartment that has a bathroom door that looks like a back door, especially if you are newly wed. There are plenty of fun and funny stories to balance out some of the challenges we have faced, and I am thankful we are both still here, and still together. Join our celebration and post some of your memories. (if you need pictures just call me- I probably have one!)
This picture was taken for our second anniversary (1971)- earlier that year we had survived a nasty head-on car accident that could have (and the highway patrol said should have) killed us both. Feeling we had been spared gave us a new perspective on our lives- I hope we can honestly say that we have tried to learn from the experiences we have shared.

Right now on Facebook....
Adam: "Wow! This was way more fun than I expected. If you try it, do NOT do any indoor test runs. We just shattered the first rocket on our ceiling."
Lesli: trying to come up with a gift that will make Addison forget that he wanted a huge ewmote control airplane--any ideas?
Bry: Still not haf a plow in our circle, that is ok I can still get out.
Mariah: I believe my husband might have extra cash in his wallet, due to the fact that there are NO decent ice cream shops within 40 min.
Levi: "sometimes our Fire burns out, but even ashes can yield something beautiful. We owe our deepest Gratitude to those who fanned our ashes into Flames"
Jared: is playing Mafia Wars. (roll eyes)
Becca: loves candy canes. (who doesn't?)
Dad: Will I found it, now what do I do with it? Can I eat it ? or Play with it? or just figer it out... guss i best start there.. Love Dms
Pictures from Mexico...
Ok so here are a few pictures from my trip to mexico... Becca I better be off your "bad list" now.
From Santa...
For all my nieces and nephews--click on this link and create a message for them! It's LOTS of fun... *grin*
Here's an example...
Love you!
Aunt Becca
Here's an example...
Love you!
Aunt Becca
Friday, December 11, 2009
Next Big Step
No it's not what your thinking (or hoping in some cases) I am Definantly not getting married. This past week I sat down at the table with mom and asked her a serious question. We talked for a bit before I went and visited dad at work. We talked a bit more... I then returned home to begin research and to start digging deeper into the subject at hand. I talked to Ben on the phone, and he was concerned but for different reasons. I went and talked to a few folk's, and then returned home to do more research... Wondering where I'm going with this? Well you will not be disappointed, I will fill you in.

Now on to the fun part where I tell you "what's up"... I have the idea in my head and have (as you've already read) been doing my research into a career field that has a lot to offer, Including but not limited to "on the job training", payed tuition, travel etc etc. This career can be very dangerous, but can benefit me and get my butt out of the "rut of despair" I have become some what comfortable in. Maybe a picture will help me get my point across.
I think that should send the message well... Now as I have said I've been doing my research and am pretty sure IF I end up doing this the Air Force is probably where I will enlist. Great training, great schooling on base etc etc. So now that everyone is up to date on what I'm up to I would love to hear from you. Thoughts, concerns, excitement, anything at all really. So comment away or give me a call! My line is always open! Love ya fam
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Happy Holidays!
Your packages will be going out tomorrow... you will notice how all gifts were selected so as to fit in a Flat Rate box- I'm learning! We could laugh about the wisdom of buying Christmas Jammies while they are on Clearance in June- I'm learning there too. Love you all- enjoy these wonderful holiday days!
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