Saturday, March 12, 2011


This is nothin' compared to Jared's sparkly news, but.... some of you have asked to see our house, as we've been getting it ready to put on the market. These aren't the final pictures, but it gives you a good idea--especially for those who have been to our house and can picture it better. Befores and afters....


J-Swiss said...

Nice! Its looking great Becca!

Mom said...

Holy Smokes! Worked your fingers to da bone didn't you? If anybody's buyin', it's sold because it is just, well, so n.i.c.e. Proud of you- now keeping it perfect while you show it is the next thing on your short list. Hummm, I wonder which will be harder- gettin' it there, or keepin' it there?

Jen Nielsen said...

Holy Cow! LOVE it !

lesli said...

really liking that bedding in your room--so calming just perfect.

dave said...

I hadn't realized til looking at the picture that we have monster face pillow on our bed now.