Go to about a minute in. A minute to a minute fifteen seconds. That face that Hyacinth Bucket makes??? HA! HAHAHA! I'm trying to perfect it so I can use it myself.
Actually I think the funny thing is that I saw Becca do that face as she was getting dunked this summer when Adam hurt his neck. How is his neck anyway? Prognosis full recovery, with possible side affects of baldness?
OK, you guys have got me up laughing in the middle of the night. I don't want ANYONE in my family looking like mrs bucket- but the show is one of the funniest ever made... denise
Welcome to our family blog. Post pictures, tell your latest jokes (DAD), upload a video from your fancy-pants Mac computer, and tell us all what's goin' on. It's so much easier than gossiping through Mom. S'rsly people.
And I will pester you about it. Cuz I'm super-awesome like that.
the funny thing about that is that i just saw this episode about two months ago. If only we all had the grace of Hyacynth
Actually I think the funny thing is that I saw Becca do that face as she was getting dunked this summer when Adam hurt his neck. How is his neck anyway? Prognosis full recovery, with possible side affects of baldness?
Ben: You did NOT just say that I looked like Hyacinth Bucket!!!!!
Actually, the face I was making was "This is a really bad idea."
And I was right.
I am always right.
OK, you guys have got me up laughing in the middle of the night. I don't want ANYONE in my family looking like mrs bucket- but the show is one of the funniest ever made... denise
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