Sunday, February 28, 2010
Forts, Bubbles and School
We followed the fort building with some good old bubbles. So dad pulls out her favorite kind, you know the ones that G. Smith gets that float forever, and I begin to blow. We had a BAZILLION bubbles floating through our kitchen/living room. Evie would crawl around on the floor saying "bubbles...pop, pop, pop." It was pretty cool.
I also found out recently that I get to take some more classes through work. Which I am pretty excited about. The best thing about it is that all of you get to help me go... thats right your tax dollars are paying for me to go to school. So thanks to all of you. I also made my second pie ever. Yep thats right, yours truly is a famous baker in the making. This one was a strawberry/cherry pie. It turned out pretty good. Good enough that my two girls will eat it anyway. So I was proud of that. I love sundays with my family. It is days like today that you hope never end. Yet it is time for bed. Love you all.
Just a look at the Passed!

"Oh yeah baby! GONE!

Saturday, February 27, 2010
I'll give your bike back--I'll give you a broken back
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Hay ye all 2week wonder it works
This is for all the grand children xoxoxoxoxoxoxox LoVe ye All Dad
Monday, February 22, 2010
That John Denver is full of......

A little update for those who actually care;)
He just got back from the ghetto of Denver Colorado and really it was the bad part so don't think I am just over exaggerating a little. Baahaa!! He had a joyous time while he sat in on about a million interviews at the SRM. He enjoyed being on the other side of the table this year. And was reminded how blessed he is to have a job that he is absolutely is in love with all around. He got home late tonight which is why y'all get me as the narrator to this ONE post. He just got back from some meetings for the Search and Rescue that he is now involved in. Which I think he will be more than great at. He talks about it quite often and is pretty dang excited of what it entails, such as; scuba diving training at Lake Powell for a week (which I will be watching from the house boats I plan to rent while he is attends), snowmobile, helicopter, avalanche and all that other stuff to help human beings. I am so enthused about all the things he has done!
Little Evie
Where do I even start with this blissful kid of ours. She is doing well with the colors and the anatomy lessons I give her, about 50% of the time I'd say. Today she did something Ben thought was an absolute hoot. She took all my buckle punch cards and walked so graciously and innocently over to the big garbage can and threw them away as if they weren't of any worth. Mind you there were about 8 filled ones that is 80 bucks off a 150 dollar pair of pants! I applauded her for throwing something away, and shooed Ben and her away so that I could put my latex gloves on and dig those precious cards out of the trash. I did save most of them:) Ben thought it was some kind of divine inspiration that she would know to throw anything away that has to do with shopping. She is growing up so quickly and I am molding wrinkles as the years pass by. We are so happy for the smiles and ease she brings to our home.
I talked Ben into going snowboarding the other day at a little "mom and pop" ski resort near where we live. At first I didn't like it much, but I started to get the hang of it and really enjoyed it. Ben kept telling me that I was really good at it, I will be honest, and say that I did indeed snowboard circles around him once :) It was really fun and neither one of us crashed as much as we thought we would. Ben seemed to have more trouble staying on his feet in the parking lot! It was great! I thought that I was the only one that saw him fall on the ice until the girl in the car next to me asked if he was okay, at this point I had to hide in the truck so he wouldn't see me laughing! :) By the way we are seeking to buy a new camera and we are leaning toward the Nikon 5000, let me know of any good suggestions that you keen folks have on the camera department..Please! Hope that you all are well.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sunday late, as always...

Hungry anyone?
Great Wolf Adventure!
100 days
Addison for his part is a bit under the weather, but was able to set up a playdate with a friend so they could (he informed me later) practice their knife throwing skills. Apparently Addison is offering lessons at school. Boy am I glad his teacher has very selective hearing.
Lafe for his part in family politics is mostly working on his rollover. He only seems to be able to do it in the kids room whn we aren't watching, so we aren't sure of his form, but he is supposed to be the athletic one, so I guess I will buy it.
Slight Insight
Kodak Moment.
Earlier this week, Ainsley was crawling around in nothing but her stinky diaper as I was gathering the stuff to change her. When I finally laid her down to change her, someone (Caleb?) had put a big "JOB WELL DONE" sticker on her diaper. I about died laughing. Perfect.
We're scouting out the perfect farm for my beehive. Yesterday, when Emily and I went to visit one small farm, she was very curious, and one of her biggest questions was "What is 'The Country', Mama??" I pulled up the dirt road and we were greeted by a huge boxer. Em was nervous, but she patted her tentatively and was rewarded with a gigantic, sloberry kiss. The dog then trotted along next to Emily like her friendly horse, as the farmer handed Emily fresh eggs (green and orange and pink from his Easter Egg hen, which was cool), and then let her chase his baby goats. She was already in heaven when she spied a whole cache of fishing poles against the workshop. "Oh Mama. Fishing poles. I LOVE The Country."
Caleb looking lovingly at a picture of himself as a baby with spaghetti sauce on his face and saying "Aw. Spaghetti poop on my face." (Something like that. I only heard this one, but Dave actually saw it.)
Dave put Ainsley to bed earlier this week, tucking her in with her blanket and her bottle, then waving to her. She responded with a HUGE grin, an "open shut" hand wave, and a full body shimie. She's darling.
Today at church I was trying to keep Caleb quiet during the Sacrament. Sometimes I'll pull him up into my lap and whisper stories about Jesus into his ear to help him think about the Savior. Today I was trying to tell him about when Jesus visited the Americas after his resurrection. Caleb was listening attentively and then he whispered to me "The Nephites had lollipops and jelly beans?!" I whispered back "No." Then he whispered "Oh. Just lollipops?" Again, "No. Just regular beans." His whole face fell at that tragic news. (I think this has something to do with the fact that I told him awhile back that he shouldn't play with himself because Heavenly Father said not to. He accepted that, nodding, and then said "Heavenly Father have a prize for me?" Well, yes! He DOES have a prize for you, Caleb! So now, whenever we talk about choosing the right or being righteous he gets all excited for the treat Heavenly Father has for him. Whatever it takes.)
Ainsley is smack in love with her father. She was being loud in church today, too, and so I took her into the foyer. She could still see her dad through the open door and so she continued to happily bellow "Dadd-EE! Dadd-EE! Dadd-EE!" (Nursery countdown: two weeks!!!!)
I had one more for Em... I can't remember what it was. Oh well. Happy Sunday!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Copenhagen, makes me feel so good
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day...
Friday, February 12, 2010
Lafe in Copenhagen...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Get outa here!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day...

Ainsley was sleeping and I wasn't about to wake her up. What you can't see very well in that picture is that Caleb was actually holding the toilet plunger, otherwise known as his "flying machine", which he usually wears with Dave's ski goggles. Which fit him perfectly. He's a pretty funny kid. This week I was waiting for Emily at ballet class with a nice grandma who brings her granddaughter when he went up into a handstand, held it, and then slowly lowered himself down into a somersault. The grandma looked at me and said "Did you KNOW he could do that???" To which I could only honestly reply "I've never seen the slow lower before. And usually he ends up doing the splits." We've talked about putting him in gymnastics, but his favorite color is currently pink, and we just feel like that's a bit much.
Emily is all ga-ga over Valentine's Day. I don't think she has a clue why, but she very carefully labelled all her "Dr. Suess" valentines for her entire class and stuck them, carefully, to Fruit By the Foot packages. I loved hearing her running dialogue about why she chose each particular card for different kids. For example, "Hm. I need one for Jeremy. Jeremy doesn't choose the right. He chooses the left. He always gets a sad face. Hm." Or "This one is for Cora. Cora is very kind. And nice. But she talks really fast, so I don't always listen to her." The world is a fascinating place through Emily's eyes. She is really into "girl time" right now, so I try to make sure we get some in every week. Her favorite is to stay up late, watching a grown-up girl movie (like Pride and Prejudice or Little Women), and eating popcorn and red pudding. (My personal favorite.)
Ainsley is just herself. She loves to bite people, but she tries to be charming about it. She signs really well and will use the sign for "cheese" for food, the sign for "milk" for any liquid, and we see lots of "MORE!" around our house. She continues to love weird food that none of our other kids will touch, and avoids all of our family staples, like rice. I'm hoping that maybe she's going to turn out left-handed. I would love that. She has been sick this week with RSV and a double ear infection, so we'll all be glad when she's over that.
Dave is learning to be elder's quorum president and I, personally, think he's doing an absolutely magnificent job. I spend a lot of time watching how much thought and effort he puts into the details of his quorum, and how important it is to him that he leads to the best of his potential. I know that he doesn't feel he's doing his best (does anyone?) but I'm his wife and you're his family so I can safely say that I think he's absolutely amazing. On top of that calling, he finds time to play with our kids, make dinner, read his scriptures, feed the cat, do the entire bedtime routine with the kids, and make me feel special. I seriously lucked out with this one.
And me... hm. Well, I have an etsy business doing some graphic design, and I am thoroughly (thoroughly!) enjoying that. I'm also in my third week of "Bee School" to learn how to be a beekeeper, and am really chafing under our HOA restrictions. I want to keep bees NOW, and not "someday." I will learn to be patient and save my pennies so I can get the perfect hive when I have the space for it. (Did you know that one hive will produce 40 pounds/12 gallons of honey, per season??? Isn't that amazing?! *smile*)
So. That's us. Nothing funny or exciting really. But we love you.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Happy Birthday, Mariah!!
Awwww, yeah. Perfect.
Happy Birthday!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Mom, I met a girl....