I know- we've all wondered for years what they look like, but here they are in the flesh. This was part of the activities I planned in celebration of Aunt Diane's birthday. You should have seen the look on her face when I told what we were up to next. (we did alot that day...) Any way, with some slight persuading we retreated to a mirror and she did get right into the spirit of things. We had a good time, lots of laughing. Diane and I had a Madge and Ethyl long before we named two chickens on a spit that... I all started when we were younger and making fun of a couple of our old fashioned aunts... I wonder if any of my nieces and nephews do the same... though I don't know, Diane and Denise does have quite the same ring to it! Love you all, Ethyl
Wa-hoooo!!! Lookame!!! Oh I was very nervous to do this thing. (like why did I have to sign a waver about dislocated shoulders???) But it was all good- at one point the guy took a hold of the handles on my suit and up up up we went- Gasp! I was proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and right into the path of a great big sucker-upper. (it was like a face lift- my cheeks didn't flap at all!) The resulting wind from this monstrous thing can go as fast as 200 mph- though most folks float around nicely at 120- I think he and I together took more when we took off. Spendy, but fun- I hope you're proud of me too. Mom
Welcome to our family blog. Post pictures, tell your latest jokes (DAD), upload a video from your fancy-pants Mac computer, and tell us all what's goin' on. It's so much easier than gossiping through Mom. S'rsly people.
And I will pester you about it. Cuz I'm super-awesome like that.