Friday, June 24, 2011

After the storm

We sure love the south. We just got the kids to bed and I looked outside and the whole yard was pink. So of course I got te kids up.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When life gives you scrambled eggs--make brownies.

Today--in a rush--I made Lafe a few scrambled eggs for lunch. I sat him down and got him his drink and then I hustled around trying to all of my stuff ready for the post before we had to pick up the big kids, Lafe (who is not as big of fan of eggs as his mother would hope)sat on his chair and looked sincerely interested, but my view when coming back in the kitchen was this. Who can blame the kid really? Brownies or eggs--Brownies win every time.

PS don't think about the implications of the oven open and the knobs easily accessible--it is too much.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Girl in a Whirl...

After 9 months of practice and concentration,
we are so proud.
Emily can finally hold her fingers right.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Yep. Feels like summer.