Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween in Berkeley

This are a little late, but we had a great Halloween. Lafe was scared of almost every aspect of the day. He just kept saying. "Pumpkins nice, ghosts nice, gorilla nice," etc but the closer we got to said gorillas the more scared he got. You have to give him credit for trying. We hit the ward party where Adam was a cyborg and I was a fortune cookie. Then we went ticker-treating with the family I work for. Enough candy was gather to make us all sick and very happy.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween from North Carolina...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

An official picture of Madge and Ethyl

I know- we've all wondered for years what they look like, but here they are in the flesh. This was part of the activities I planned in celebration of Aunt Diane's birthday. You should have seen the look on her face when I told what we were up to next. (we did alot that day...) Any way, with some slight persuading we retreated to a mirror and she did get right into the spirit of things. We had a good time, lots of laughing. Diane and I had a Madge and Ethyl long before we named two chickens on a spit that... I all started when we were younger and making fun of a couple of our old fashioned aunts... I wonder if any of my nieces and nephews do the same... though I don't know, Diane and Denise does have quite the same ring to it! Love you all, Ethyl

Look! I a Flyer!!!

Wa-hoooo!!! Lookame!!! Oh I was very nervous to do this thing. (like why did I have to sign a waver about dislocated shoulders???) But it was all good- at one point the guy took a hold of the handles on my suit and up up up we went- Gasp! I was proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and right into the path of a great big sucker-upper. (it was like a face lift- my cheeks didn't flap at all!) The resulting wind from this monstrous thing can go as fast as 200 mph- though most folks float around nicely at 120- I think he and I together took more when we took off. Spendy, but fun- I hope you're proud of me too. Mom

Saturday, September 10, 2011


two birthday queens

Ainsley in her rapunzel hair and cinderella dress with her adoring mother.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Window washing

Caleb is in full attack mode on these windows

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jen's birthday surprise!

Hey Family! I tried to post a video unsuccessfully as it seems- I will "contact technical support" with my error message and see what I can do. It's been crazy busy but very fun here the last week and a half- looking forward to a wedding soon- Watch the video as I will keep trying! Mom

Jared and Audrey, sitting in a tree...

With less than a month until their wedding, I thought I'd post some of the darling engagement pictures they sent me when I was working on their invitation.

Can't wait for next month!!! :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

After the storm

We sure love the south. We just got the kids to bed and I looked outside and the whole yard was pink. So of course I got te kids up.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When life gives you scrambled eggs--make brownies.

Today--in a rush--I made Lafe a few scrambled eggs for lunch. I sat him down and got him his drink and then I hustled around trying to all of my stuff ready for the post before we had to pick up the big kids, Lafe (who is not as big of fan of eggs as his mother would hope)sat on his chair and looked sincerely interested, but my view when coming back in the kitchen was this. Who can blame the kid really? Brownies or eggs--Brownies win every time.

PS don't think about the implications of the oven open and the knobs easily accessible--it is too much.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Girl in a Whirl...

After 9 months of practice and concentration,
we are so proud.
Emily can finally hold her fingers right.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Yep. Feels like summer.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Hey mom,

I saw this and thought you would like it. There is little I can do or say to adequately thank you for all you've done for me. I hope you know what a central role you've played in my life. Your example and raising still shapes my decisions and attitudes, and I'm thankful for that.

With Love,

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!!

You used to hate Mother's Day.
I'm glad you don't anymore.
I also hope you don't have to ask that your kids to quit fighting, just for one day.
Yep. Some things just keep gettin' better with time.

I love how much you love the beach.
I love that you love to have fun, and see new things.
I love the colors you wear.
I love watching the Discovery channel with you. (Wish we could do that more. At the beach.)
I love all the things you know about and find interesting.

You're the best Mom ever.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

And a Cake Wreck, for Jared...


(evil chuckle.) Congratulations!!!

Sunday Naps Just Aren't What They Used to Be...

Nothing like a little family nap. On a Sunday afternoon. Yep.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rainy Sunday Afternoon

I am not sure what about K'nex says take your shirt off, but the message was out and the project was intense--they were trying to recreate an experiment from Mythbusters. No results yet. We will let you know.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


This is nothin' compared to Jared's sparkly news, but.... some of you have asked to see our house, as we've been getting it ready to put on the market. These aren't the final pictures, but it gives you a good idea--especially for those who have been to our house and can picture it better. Befores and afters....

Friday, March 11, 2011

Aight fam here it comes!

So.... No one ever uses the family blog anymore I see..... Well, hopefully this will be enough to
"re-activate" your membership to the family blog. See I have news, or I guess pictures that will tell you about up coming news.

At the moment I am debating wether to do a kind of "teaser trailer" type of deal that they do for upcoming movies to peak your interest or just kinda lay things out there. Though I know for a fact that at this point in the post becca (if not all of you) is yelling at the computer telling me to post alot of material but the fact remains I only really have 3 pictures. But fine have it your way..... Enjoy!
Moms words attached to the email she sent me these in are as follows
"Well, here they are- a picture may be worth a thousand words, but these do not do this ring justice.  Love you!  Mom"

Well there ya have it! The cat is out of the bag so to speak... Though Audrey has NOOOOO idea I already have a ring (we looked at rings online tonight so I could "get ideas of what she liked." teh-hee!) She isn't gonna see this one comin!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Well this bodes well...

On the first day of 2011...

my computer ate it.

It's going to be a fantastic year. *big eyes*

Monday, January 3, 2011

Some Christmas Pics

Here are some action shots from Christmas.

Lafe's new skill

This doesn't reflect well on me, but I find it really funny. Lafe just might turn out to be our family's athlete.