Do you guys remember those Journals Mom and Dad bought us in Rexburg? The big hardbound ones that said "JOURNAL" on the front? In mine, one of the only things I consistently journaled (except for hideous drawings of princesses and princes with "loves first kiss" scrawled at the top) was what everyone was doing. And I mean EXACTLY what everyone was doing. Here is a riveting entry from 1987:
I am using the bathroom. My Mom is sitting in the living room. My dad is on a daddy daughter date with Jenny. Adam is playing with blocks. Levi is getting in "chruble". Ben is somewhere around here. Yesterday our family went to "Showbize Petzoe" there were toys by the "pownds" and not only that an animal band at the "Pitza Place." Ben got his new shoes. They are not white. They are black. With "Transfarmers on them." My mom is spanking Levi for not minding my Mom but it serves him right for not minding her.I am almost out of room on the page and I am tired now but I will never quit writing in The Journal.If that isn't proof that journaling saves important things for posterity, I don't know what is. After all--the fact that Ben got shoes with TransFARMERS on them was practically a prophecy. (Although journaling in the bathroom?? Really??) And I'll bet Mom is SUPER glad that I documented her disciplining in action.
So, in that spirit--here is what everyone in my family is doing right now:
I'm sitting at the couch in my living room, which looks as if a Goodwill threw up in here. If I had some dynamite, I would just blow it up and start over. It smells like "Rosemary Bean Soup" from Deepak Chopra's Nourishing Body and Soul cookbook. Me and the Deepak. We're tight. I would give my right arm for a pan of lasagna right now. And I'd eat the WHOLE thing.
Caleb is sitting next to me, mouth breathing, because his nose is stuffy. One of his eyes is the color of the Energizer bunny. Awesome. He has eaten approximately 6 pumpkin cookies behind my back, and now he's off to sneak another. Do I stop him and deal with the screaming that will ensue, or just pass it off as "pumpkin IS a vegetable"... always the parenting dilemna.
Emily is writing in her journal. Only she wants ME to write in her journal, for her. Now she's decided to do a picture of me. That's always fun because they're so true to life with a big round body and hair that would do any Berkeley lesbian proud.
Ainsley is taking a nap. This is our second attempt at a nap today. When I tried earlier, she growled at me through the door. I swear, her screams would make young girls go sterile (as a favorite roommate of mine always used to say). Then, when you go get her, she looks at you triumphantly and says "I LOUD, Mama. I LOUD, you COME." *sigh*
Dave is gone to church. Even though we all stayed home sick, he went for Priesthood. Considering that church ended almost an hour ago, I surmise that he's either visiting with people in the hall, dropping in on people at home, or hiding from the wreckage at home. Perhaps d. all of the above.
The End. (but I'll never quit writing in The Journal. HAHAHA!)