Sunday, October 31, 2010
Haloween spoils
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 25, 2010
primary program
Sunday, October 24, 2010
October for me means a couple of things.
- Conference
- Trying to rescue my lawn
- Birthdays
- oh yeah, and Halloween
A little about Caleb and Becca’s birthdays. For Caleb we had an Airplane party at the house with some kids from church. About the most creative we got was cutting “wings” out of cardboard and taping them to their arms so they could be airplanes. I found a Blue Angels video taken from the cockpit (didn’t know they had room for “passengers” up there) so all the kids could watch and pretend to take off, then they ran through “rain” (streamers) and “clouds” (white balloons) and then crash landed in pillows. It was interesting to see that the one or two kids who are really Caleb’s friends were the ones still watching the blue angels video with their wings on after all the other kids had gotten bored with flying and went outside to play. Birds of a feather stick together I guess.
Yes that is a Thomas the Train hat – Caleb’s choice. Who really needs total fealty to the theme?
In the end the kids had the most fun playing with the toys that they brought Caleb as presents. We’ll just start with that next time and see if we can make it last two hours.
Becca posted a few pictures from her birthday celebration, which was our trip to the mountains to see the leaves. I thought I’d post a few more pictures:
It was definitely not an “Eat to Live” approved day. (This picnic spot for dinner was my favorite thing we did all day.)
The food conversion value of the “Eat to Evil” diet we consumed yesterday was about 8 tantrums/meltdowns (today) per marshmallow – although it varies child to child.
Ainsley kept wandering away during dinner over to the parking lot. Not sure why but it was rather amusing.
So Happy Birthday to my wonderful wife! I was blessed to marry the Birthday Queen.
Sorry for picture overload, but it’s better than me writing a 1000 words for each one.
Autumn: the year's last, loveliest smile.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
More Birthdays!

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Been a while!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hey Fam!
We bought our airline tickets for our trip to Omaha coming up in November- it's hard to believe that Gretchen is turning 8- I'm very excited to see them all and to share Gretchen's special day. We have not spent Thanksgiving with Jen and Bry since Gretchen was brand new so we are looking forward to a fun Holiday, and a fun week. Hope everyone is happy and well- love to each of you!
Addison the friendly lion?
To go with our new background...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
It's a Birthday Party...of sorts-
Lafe Turned 1
What struck me from Conference...
Oh. And the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was in fine form, don't you think? The last song of the Sunday morning session made me cry.