Sunday, October 31, 2010

Haloween spoils

Igotta say California seems to be sticking with its health consciousness even through the most candy centered holiday of the year. I mean a pinata with no candy and school parties where no sweets are allowed. I got a chuckle in Addison's class watching the mom's taking around the humus--the thing is most kids took it. I really am mostly reformed when it comes to kids and sugar, but Halloween is Halloween and I say go for it--maybe next year we will live in a place that doesn't put the health of its youngsters above TRADITION. sheesh.

Happy Halloween!

Evil Cackle.

"Gustav, save some room for later."

Oh, okay. I'll stop taking pictures of my kids in their regular get-up and take one of them in their Halloween costumes on Friday....

Monday, October 25, 2010

violin primary program

primary program

Yes, yes, I know that it is not the best thing in the world to video in sacrament meeting and to make matters worse I was sitting about 18 inches from the Stake president. (He politely didn't say a word) But Adam was gone and so I threw caution to wind and went for it. I didn't dare however lift the camera and it was a bit of a long song, but if you have two minutes that you don't feel like doing anything else this might be just the thing for you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


October for me means a couple of things.

  • Conference
  • Trying to rescue my lawn
  • Birthdays
  • oh yeah, and Halloween


A little about Caleb and Becca’s birthdays. For Caleb we had an Airplane party at the house with some kids from church.  About the most creative we got was cutting “wings” out of cardboard and taping them to their arms so they could be airplanes. I found a Blue Angels video taken from the cockpit (didn’t know they had room for “passengers” up there) so all the kids could watch and pretend to take off, then they ran through “rain” (streamers) and “clouds” (white balloons) and then crash landed in pillows. It was interesting to see that the one or two kids who are really Caleb’s friends were the ones still watching the blue angels video with their wings on after all the other kids had gotten bored with flying and went outside to play. Birds of a feather stick together I guess.





Yes that is a Thomas the Train hat – Caleb’s choice.  Who really needs total fealty to the theme?

In the end the kids had the most fun playing with the toys that they brought Caleb as presents. We’ll just start with that next time and see if we can make it last two hours.


Becca posted a few pictures from her birthday celebration, which was our trip to the mountains to see the leaves.  I thought I’d post a few more pictures:

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It was definitely not an “Eat to Live” approved day.  (This picnic spot for dinner was my favorite thing we did all day.)

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The food conversion value of the “Eat to Evil” diet we consumed yesterday was about 8 tantrums/meltdowns (today) per marshmallow – although it varies child to child.

Ainsley kept wandering away during dinner over to the parking lot.  Not sure why but it was rather amusing.




So Happy Birthday to my wonderful wife! I was blessed to marry the Birthday Queen.



Sorry for picture overload, but it’s better than me writing a 1000 words for each one.


Autumn: the year's last, loveliest smile.

Ainsley in her native habitat. And it's pronounced App-a-LA-chia, not App-a-LAY-chia. Just for you poor souls who aren't here. Love you!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

More Birthdays!

Hooray for Caleb, the birthday boy of the week! I had to smile at this picture... such a cute little guy, and he still looks very much the same. Caleb, you were another long-distance baby, meaning Grandma Denise watched the clock and waited anxiously for the phone to ring on the day you were born- It never matters how far away a new baby is- everyone is always excited and happy when they are born. Grandpa Don and I came to see you for the first time when you were just a few weeks old- we spent Thanksgiving together and even went and bought a Christmas tree for your family. I will always remember sitting on the floor by your fireplace and holding you- you stole my heart right away. I am glad you are growing big and strong- such a big boy and a good brother. We love you, Caleb- Happy Birthday!
Then on to the Birthday Queen! Happy Birthday, Rebecca!!! How you have always loved your birthday - you and I have laughed over your being restricted in sharing your birthday party plans and lists with us until your birthday was within 30 days- when you were small you would start in July- it was always alot of fun- besides you could divert your mind so easily to other things, like being the neighborhood librarian, or the producer/director of our family home evening play (I have that on video-). The world outside on the day you were born is as clear in my mind as a photograph- I remember waking Jenny and Adam, dad getting them dressed and then us dropping them off at a friend's house for the day as we headed up the hill to the hospital. It was a gorgeous day that I am so thankful for, and am also so thankful for you. Enjoy the day- assume your throne and let the celebration begin! I love you! Mom

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Been a while!

We have been all over and it would be easier to convey what we have been up to on the phone or better yet in person. We will let you pick the method. :)

Ben, Mariah and Evie

Friday, October 15, 2010


Addison finally saved enough money for a long bow. Here he is a couple of weeks ago at an archery range near our house. He is already saving money for some new arrows with replaceable tips.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hey Fam!

We've had a good couple of weeks here. We loved our trip to Park City where we isolated ourselves from the house and the yard (along with the tasks that would beckon us there) so we could just do the conference thing. It was great. I have been volunteering to help with Mercedies kindergarten class each Friday morning- it's been good. It get to see her regularly, and get a hug in return.
On our way home from Park City we took the salt lake valley route and visited the 2 parks in SLC that feature the Wasatch fault line. Fascinating! That's the fault line going up over the ridge above my left shoulder there...
We also got to spend an evening with Evie - Fun! She kept us smiling every minute- busy, imaginative, and a little talker... I had a wonderful time with her.
We bought our airline tickets for our trip to Omaha coming up in November- it's hard to believe that Gretchen is turning 8- I'm very excited to see them all and to share Gretchen's special day. We have not spent Thanksgiving with Jen and Bry since Gretchen was brand new so we are looking forward to a fun Holiday, and a fun week. Hope everyone is happy and well- love to each of you!

Addison the friendly lion?

Saturday we went to a yard sale and scored this great costume for Lafe. The price was right $.50 but Lafe it seems is less than impressed with putting it on. So Ellie and Addison have been trading it back and forth all weekend and alternatly scaring and amusing the boy with it. This afternoon Lafe got fed up and put Addison in a cage--unitl he promised no more funny business. Lafe runs a tight ship!

To go with our new background...

Next time I'll tell her to do her impression of what she does when Little Old Ladies come up and say "Oooooh, what a beautiful little girl." Which is when she extends her arm at them, in a fist--sometimes in a gun--and starts growling "NO! NNNNNNNO!!! NO!" with her teeth bared. It's so Gremlin like (so cute and suddenly so NOT cute) that Little Old Ladies can't hobble away quick enough.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's a Birthday Party...of sorts-

Does a birthday post for 3 people make it a birthday party? Here's hoping so, and here goes!First of all, William Lafe! Happy first birthday, little guy. I SO remember laying awake in the night waiting for a phone call that he was here and all was well. He gave his mama a run for the money- and I was so happy for the call that finally came. We got to spend some time with Lafe this summer and he is such a fun little guy to get to know (if you doubt this last just watch the patty cake video on You Tube- it'll have you smiling.) In the meantime- he's a man of few words- "hut!?!" We love you, Lafe, and are so happy to have you as a part of our family!
Can it really be two years since this little miss came on the scene so spectacularly? Happy Birthday to Miss Ainsley Rebecca... it seems she's kept her mom and dad going since making her appearance on the family couch. ("I Bite!" she announces now with just a hint of mischief ) I remember this little one peering at me through the clear acrylic side-wall of her little hospital bed. She looked so small in such a big and complicated place- yet so large compared to some of the others that were also there. Breathe, Ainsley, breathe- such a little thing to have such importance... But now look- like the little energizer bunny she goes, goes, goes- and aren't we glad! Happy Birthday, Ainsley-pie- we love you!And now for the Big Guy- Happy Birthday, Bry! Bryan, David, Adam- the year 1977 was a great one for the Smith family. I remember the summer evening that he drove up to our house in his spiffy looking big black dodge truck- he had come to take me for a ride and an ice cream cone- it was a good time and is a happy memory for me. Bry taught me how to fold jeans correctly (thanks, Bry), and used to keep himself busy in the yard when they lived on Appleblossom Drive so I could rock Gracie (just months old) and put her to bed on the evenings Jen was at work- I was so thankful for the chance. Bry is a solid guy all of his girls can count on, and I love him for that. Happy Birthday, Bryan- I hope this year is a great one for you!

Lafe Turned 1

Wednesday was Lafe's annual marker and it was met with great anticipation. Socorro and Adam had palced a wager a few weeks ago on the subject of Lafe's walking. Adam being of little faith and the worst better ever--sorry but he always looses--bet against Lafe. Truth be told I thought Adam might win, but then at the party Lafe stood up and took two steps. It was a weak showing, but Socorro said it counted, so Adam had to pay.

What struck me from Conference...

Be grateful. Intentionally teach your children the Plan of Salvation. Be a helper. Prepare a Family Home Evening Lesson on Ezra Taft Benson's "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet." Be quick to act on the promptings of the Spirit. Hold to the Rod. Maintain a careful balance between personal and priesthood revelation. Save for future missions. Listen to the prophet for answers to personal prayers. Trust in God. Slow down, steady the course, and focus on the essentials. Beware the Sin Tree. Be a true disciple.

Oh. And the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was in fine form, don't you think? The last song of the Sunday morning session made me cry.