I've been sitting here trying and trying to think of something to post about our family. I thought about telling you about me and Jen's trip to Washington DC for the Glenn Beck rally...then I thought maybe I could post about Emily's back to school and Caleb's beginning preschool this week--and I probably should, but in honor of our favorite Danzel record, let's just "suppose I don't." No. Instead, I should like to talk about Hurricane Earl and why he was my favorite hurricane, so far.
Most people think of hurricanes and only think of the horror and destruction that they leave in their wake. Especially when you hear that a hurricane is going to make a direct hit on your own state.
But Earl?
He was a true gentleman.
After creating awesome surfing conditions, he hit the Outer Banks (who needs 'em?) this week, he swept up the East Coast, and he took with him...
the humidity.
It's gone.
*breathe a huge sigh of relief*
The morning air is cool, the afternoons are perfectly warm, you can actually lay on a blanket on the grass and NOT feel like the Wicked Witch of the West: "I'm melting, meltiiiiiing..."
Last night, I took Emily and Caleb with me out on the back lawn. We crawled down into sleeping bags and watched the stars come out, one at a time. When the humidity is really high, you can't really see the stars. We counted 71 before we came in for bed.
When I stepped out to look again at midnight, I could actually see the milky way.
Thank you, Earl.
Ok. Maybe one back to school picture... Emily on her first day of first grade: