Sunday, January 31, 2010
And here is a YouTube video of me burning a business card.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Call Out the Marines...
Then it snowed two inches last night.
Which meant that everything was cancelled today. My hair appointment. Dave's basketball game. Church is cancelled tomorrow. And, no doubt, there will be at LEAST a two hour delay for school on Monday morning.
I just love living in the South. Last night I stopped at the Walmart to grab some junk food and I saw a couple standing in front of the Little Debbie display having an intense conversation. I heard one of them say "Well, how much do you think we'll need--ya' know--to tide us over???" Right down the aisle was a woman following her husband, who was pushing the cart. She was holding up two FAMILY SIZE bags of tortilla chips and saying "Why do you need the 'Scoops' AND the 'Lime Flavored' ones???" To which he so lovingly replied, "Shush up! It's FOOTBALL, Woman!" I held in my giggles until I got out of earshot.
Here are some pictures of our slush/ice driveway. The only one we'll have all year. (And to all the moms who live in cold places--how do you deal with the STUFF? And the SLUSH?? UGH.)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Quote of the Day
"Mom, Look at what I found in the garbage at school today!"
Monday, January 25, 2010
Right Now in North Carolina...
Which would explain why they're wearing them in January. I have no will power.
Wishing everyone sunshine and weather in the 50s. (And if not, then come visit me. :))
Love you!
You're Welcome.
Friday, January 22, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010
The Last Desperados.... rebelling against the blog, but that's okay. I'll post for him. He sounded really discouraged, but I think that would be an understatement if I was facing some of his struggles. He's been looking for work for a long time now, and I know that he's fighting really hard to pay the bills on his car and computer. It just has to be really, really hard. He's met up with some of the elders from his district, though, and sounds like that has been a really good thing. Jared--we are all praying for you. I know that we would do more, if you let us know what else we could do. Hang in there, we love you.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Martin Luther King Jr.
By the way, in the middle picture you'll see Addison holding the respectable shirt we sent him to school in. I don't want you to think we consider scroungy T-shirts appropriate performance attire.
Here are links to YouTube for the songs. I'm not promising pure musical entertainment. It will take familial love to make these baby's worth watching.
Addison (Miss Rosa)
Addison (This little Light)
Just Amazing
Right Now in North Carolina...
This is our house, right this second. Ainsley is eating her salad with Miracle Whip, Emily is coloring, and I couldn't take a video of Caleb's current activities in the potty. (I know, you're grateful. You're welcome.) Ainsley loooooves Miracle Whip. So we let her eat it with a spoon. (FOR BEN: "This yogurt tastes funny." "Uuuuuh, that's because it's mayonaise." "Oh.") She also loves salad. She does NOT like rice with soy sauce. Just rice with butter. She is obviously Dave's child. *roll eyes*
I got a new calling today--Compassionate Service Leader! Wooohooo!!! Uuuuuh.... what does a Compassionate Service Leader do exactly? Oh well! New adventures are always good, right? (Apparently the last two were some serious slackers, so at least it'll be easy to look good. And I'm all about appearances. *snort*) I also started my own Etsy business. Doing some graphic design, as well as labeling wedding invites, etc. Someone is going to PAY ME to fifty cents an envelope. Can you believe it?!?!? Easiest way to make fifty bucks EVER.
I have to mention, because I love it, that Emily has been leaving little incoherent notes in our neighbor's mailbox. Our neighbor is named Miss Kim--an older massage therapist divorcee who lives alone. The latest was a pasta box with a crayon in it. Tonight, Miss Kim knocked on the door and had a coloring book and some chocolates for Emily. She looked tired and sad, but handed to me and said "Give this to your little girl. Please." and walked away. I was very touched, and Emily was delighted. Emily shared a chocolate each with Caleb and Ainsley. She is very loveable these days.
It's in the 60s here right now, which is lovely. I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't handle more than a week of cold. It's seriously overrated!!
Speaking of things that are overrated--tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day. NOT Civil Rights Day. Nope. Martin Luther King Day. And you know why I think that's overrated? Because Dave doesn't even get the day off. I just get a bonus day with all three kids, no spouse, and no special food. I can get behind ANY holiday if there is special food for it. Hmmph.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Rignt now on Facebook...
Adam... Just finished watching The Neverending Story with my kids. Wow. It is way more lame than I remember as a kid. It is, however, equally creepy.
Lesli... "I don't know karate, but I know Crazy and I am not afraid to use it." Name that movie and you won't regret it.
Becca...Biggest Loser workouts make my arms shake like a bowl full of jelly. :)
Levi... Is in love with my best friend (Awww. Yay!)
Jared... Am I destined to walk and wander through this life of mine alone? (That's up to you, I think)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Grace is nine Years Old Today!

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sunday Dinner & Chocolate Cake
an ode to saving money
I was living with my brother Sam in SLC--again to save money--and commuting to BYU. In the great age of public transportation, I figured it wouldn't be too bad. There was an express bus that picked up at Southtown mall and went to campus. Perfect. About two days into my adventure; I realized that I could perhaps shave even another dollar off of my budget by taking the "regular" bus rather than the express. And so on a rainy Tuesday afternoon I boarded the UTA 19 and sat back happily thinking of my mansions on high.
The next stop, there were about 23, netted 7 or 8 mentally handicapped individuals. They had quite obviously ridden this bus before what later become obvious was that they were actually the only people in the greater slc/utah valley to take the 19 to and from SLC everyday. They knew every stop and the which businesses were off each spot.
It really wasn't all that bad, I learned some interesting facts, until somewhere in Lehi when we got close to a Smiths. One of my fellow travelers started to get worked up about the Smith's and their umbrella policy, remember it was raining, and this fellow was not sure if they could take umbrellas into the grocery store. This in turn got the other 7 passengers worked up about Smith's and the safety of their beloved umbrellas. Would Smith's have a bucket to place umbrellas, would they make patrons fold their umbrellas up, could anyone take an umbrella from the bucket, was i.d. involved? Things started to get ugly, some of the less seasoned 19 riders were in tears about the possibility of loosing their umbrellas to the wiles of society, some were yelling that they weren't going to fold their umbrellas up. I will be honest I was slightly nervous that I and the seemingly unconcerned bus driver were in way over our heads.
On we plodded and on the fight went. It may well have been the the slowest time to make it over the point of the mountain ever recorded. The fight eventually turned to other pressing matters namely who was ordering what the the Chinese restaurant they were headed to and the umbrella frenzy only came up five or six more times.
I made it off the Bus 2 hours later than I had expected and 1 dollar richer. Let's just say it was the last time I took the 19.
The other one that Jenny has been good enough not to bring up at every family gathering is the time I decided to dye my own hair. It was a Saturday and after going over our budget the night before I had decided that I too could give to the cause and clipped the coupon from the paper for bombshell blond hair. I called my sister and she came to help administer my five dollar dye. About 20 minutes into to fiasco we realized that my hair was more of an orange than blond. She remembered something about hair going orange before it went blond, so we decided that we just needed more bleach. Somehow we got a hold of some concoction from the local Sally's and started anew. This time my hair went the most interesting shade of glowing green/yellow I had ever seen. Not ideal for the teacher of a bunch of twelve year olds--or for anyone who might actually be seen by others.
It only took Jenny about 5 hours and six different colors to come bring back my old color. She made me promise not to EVER do it again--and I am proud to say I have kept my word (mostly)!
Sort of.
I have a graphic design blog. I even use a pseudonym. I'll bet none of you can guess. (NOT YOU, MOM.) If you can guess correctly, I'll send you a King Size Candy Bar of your choice.
I've also got a "shop" on etsy, and have had 4 people (FOUR!) look at my designs.
I have never been more proud.
Now start guessin'. Those King Size Candy Bars aren't going to send themselves.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
So I'm eating Fat Free Cool Whip.
With my finger.
I got in a fender bender today at the gas station. That put a "dent" in my day. *snort* But it was all because I was trying to save money and pay cash only, which is why I went to the gas station in the first place, so that will teach me to save money.
Did I mention that Caleb cried today for 12.5 hours? Maybe a little more. It felt like more. At one point he was crying because he didn't want to breathe.
I kid you not.
This is why Ainsley's my favorite.
I'm bored.
Maybe if some of you would POST SOMETHING AND GIVE ME SOMETHING TO READ. Hmmph.
It's the new security, isn't it?
I'm out of cool whip... maybe there is something else in my fridge... *grin*
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Where'd the time go?
Nicholas Nitrogen
Here are a few photos of the day, and one of his first name sake my great grandpa Lafayette.
Right Now in North Carolina...
Ainsley is just as charming and winsome as ever. She loves to sit in her high chair and scream at us, while throwing her food on the floor. She pelts the banana at the wall. Hucks the waffle at Caleb. Squishes the orange into smithereens. Then, when she's thoroughly filthy, we put her in the bath. Which she screams about and then poops. Removing the delightful little screaming banshee from the tub so we can scoop out the poop, she proceeds to demonstrate to us how a naked baby crawl can be a strut that demonstrates the completeness of your control over all you see.
Caleb, meanwhile, is showing off his newly acquired stitches, located on his second chin. He is very proud of them, as they are a trophy that demonstrate that he was The Chosen One to initiate us into a new year of medical bills. And all because his mother was being a neglectful wretch at the store and trying to find some gluten free cereal instead of getting him the FAMILY SIZE bag of Cheetos he was so quietly and calmly requesting from the shopping cart. Not only did he get the Cheetos as his mother ushered the bleeding child out of the store, but he got four lollipops as a reward for three stitches. We are grateful for his jowls, which shielded his writhing body in the shopping cart from coming into contact with anything more important. Like an artery. We are truly blessed.
Emily looks over all she surveys and nods. She has taught them well. They are perfect minions. Although she is going to have to work on her elders, who seem to have this "thing" about not telling Mama that Daddy told you "Yes, you can have a purple jolly rancher" when he actually told you "No, you need to eat breakfast." Honesty is such a nit-picky thing to worry about compared to stitches and poop, don't you think?
Yes, the song is right when it proclaims "Making life a bliss complete, when there's loooove aaaaat hoooooome."
Friday, January 1, 2010
2010 Year of all Years...