Friday, December 24, 2010
To the Women in my life
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Some of my favorite Christmas memories...
* The 4th ward has us all take a family name off a tree at the ward christmas dinner to do a Christmas surprise for... we get the Harpers. (Remember Danene? Remember Danene's eyelashes???) So a few days later we make a little plate of goodies to take over. It is sunday afternoon, the sun is setting but we still have good light. We park beyond the Harper's house and do a u-turn so we are in the middle of the dead end street (ah, remember when Salem had places where there were no houses?) The older boys run up the street to the door with the gift, Jared wants to follow so badly, 4 years old and shoeless, we find him a pair of shoes in the car- they are too big because they are not his. I can still see Jared, grinning from ear to ear, shuffling (to keep the shoes on that are too big) down the middle of the road toward the Harper's. In the meantime the boys have delivered the gift, rang the bell, and are running like blazes toward the car. They pass Jared who continues grinning and shuffling away from the car and toward the Harpers. We frantically call him back- he does not come. shhhh shhhh shhhh go the shoes, taking the grinning boy closer and closer to Harpers. Danene opens the door, bends to pick up the gift, and looking up sees cute Jared- shhh shhh shhh. She laughes, "well, Hi Jared!" she says laughing, she looks up and waves to us (we're cracking up in the car...) "Merry Christmas!"
I love the OakRidge Boys and our little dance to "la la La LA!" That tradition started in Rexburg- dad was working at Osco and we were all anxious and waiting for him to come home that Christmas Eve so the celebration could begin. Time started to hang heavy so desperation kicked in as I looked for things to keep the evening fun and you kids entertained. I assigned you each a room and a light switch... Adam was stationed to watch for dad. We practiced Adam sounding the alarm and your response by rapidly flashing your assigned switch off and on, off and on. Playing in the back ground was, you guessed it... the Oak Ridge Boys. We turned off the lights and waited - a few minutes later Adam sounded the alarm and the windows of our home came alive with the flashing of the lights. Dad was so delighted by this happy welcome home, and you kids were so excited that you were practically glued to the ceiling. That night we did danced to "It's Christmas" for the first time, and I LOVED it.
Another one- I loved having you all sing us awake Christmas morning. We could hear you as you got your act together in the kitchen. Then the singing would begin, a little disjointed at first but gaining volume and strength- we would lay there for a minute or two and just listen. Fun memories, happy times.
And last- the year dad surprised me with the peach colored dress with the white lace collar- it was the perfect gift- I felt lovely in it, and well surprised and loved by him... but he has made me feel that way every Christmas.
Love you all- now you share too! Mom/Denise
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Gingerbread Extravaganza
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas I Remember Best...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Every Please take a look!!!!
I know it has been a long time. I also know most of you know I am involved with a network marketing company called ACN. I have been working with this company for a little over a year now and I just got back from the international conference in San Diego, which was AMAZING and I had a blast.
I am so excited for the upcoming changes happening in ACN, I would like all of you to take a look at my website, as well as at the movies I have posted there. I will post links at the bottom of the post.
I got involved with this company because in the current economy and in the current situation I am in I cannot afford a lot of time to go to a job (= Just-Over-Broke) and if I am to give to Merciedies, and Ashlee the way I have always dreamed of it will take massive action and a residual income!
So if nothing else please take a look at the website and do me a HUGE favor and if I can save you some money on the services you already use give my services a try!
I would be glad to research anything services you already have and compare the pricing, Just click compare my services and fill in the blanks.
My Website
( please watch the opportunity video first, then the presentation. It only take about 25 minutes)
So everyone please take a look!!!!!
It would mean the world to me if nothing else
send a note to my email about what you thought
Thank you
Love ya
Levi Smith
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Riding family videos
While pictures are more interesting than text, videos are not always more interesting than pictures. These are post-worthy (at least for Gma and Gpa).
Caleb’s Thanksgiving play. Lots of kids yelling lines. Lots’ of paper bag Indians. Not many Pilgrims.
Dancing along with Shaun the Sheep:
A pretty good video of Ainsley right now. Sorry about the static. It did that when I shrunk it down.
Caleb at a treelighting ceremony. He was cold. He had good reason to be as he wouldn’t wear the coat I brought him. Later that week Becca bought him a new coat that actually fits. He put the hat like that himself.
In other news Emily and Becca had a great time at the Nutcracker the other day. Emily’s favorite dance was of course the very sensual interpretation of the Arabian dance. Sigh.
Merry Christmas to everyone. We’re enjoying the season here. The kids like their Christmas songs a lot. It’s looking like Bing Crosby might be our kids version of Julie Andrews as that’s what they hear constantly in the car.
Is this the same girl?
The quiet times of Christmas
I was at home last night and had just put Evie to bed and Mariah was at work, so I found myself with some quiet time. The Christmas tree lights were on and I sat down on the couch and just stared for a while. I suddenly found myself thinking of all that I have to be grateful for and things that mean so much to me. It always seems to happen to me this time of year. I thought of my two year old now doing her best impression of a rooster "Cock a dook a doo!" I thought of my wife, who at the time was hard at work and how much I miss her being at home for moments like this. I thought of the good job I have, and the opportunities I have coming. I thought of the apartment that we have, and how it has perfectly met our families needs. Thoughts like this just flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but to think of my family members. From coast to coast and just about everywhere in between. And I don't get to talk to all of you often as I would like, my quiet time at Christmas led me to all of you. I hope all is well and that all of you are feeling as blessed as I am. I love you all.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Omaha was Great!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
It's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with YOU!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Will just thought that it was about time that I learned how to add the this family. Mom ,Smith and I had a great time in Omaha, for thanksgiving. The week started with a baptism (Gretchen), going spotting for deer, and end with a great Thanksgiving dinner at Phil and Pats O what a feast and the best company. The flights were great a little long in Denver, they are full. Bryan go us a great deal at the Hampton, the girls all came swimming and we all got very wet...
I want to thank every one for making such a great trip.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A lesson in journaling...
I am using the bathroom. My Mom is sitting in the living room. My dad is on a daddy daughter date with Jenny. Adam is playing with blocks. Levi is getting in "chruble". Ben is somewhere around here. Yesterday our family went to "Showbize Petzoe" there were toys by the "pownds" and not only that an animal band at the "Pitza Place." Ben got his new shoes. They are not white. They are black. With "Transfarmers on them." My mom is spanking Levi for not minding my Mom but it serves him right for not minding her.I am almost out of room on the page and I am tired now but I will never quit writing in The Journal.
If that isn't proof that journaling saves important things for posterity, I don't know what is. After all--the fact that Ben got shoes with TransFARMERS on them was practically a prophecy. (Although journaling in the bathroom?? Really??) And I'll bet Mom is SUPER glad that I documented her disciplining in action.
I'm sitting at the couch in my living room, which looks as if a Goodwill threw up in here. If I had some dynamite, I would just blow it up and start over. It smells like "Rosemary Bean Soup" from Deepak Chopra's Nourishing Body and Soul cookbook. Me and the Deepak. We're tight. I would give my right arm for a pan of lasagna right now. And I'd eat the WHOLE thing.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
A day on the Farm...
no pics
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Haloween spoils
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 25, 2010
primary program
Sunday, October 24, 2010
October for me means a couple of things.
- Conference
- Trying to rescue my lawn
- Birthdays
- oh yeah, and Halloween
A little about Caleb and Becca’s birthdays. For Caleb we had an Airplane party at the house with some kids from church. About the most creative we got was cutting “wings” out of cardboard and taping them to their arms so they could be airplanes. I found a Blue Angels video taken from the cockpit (didn’t know they had room for “passengers” up there) so all the kids could watch and pretend to take off, then they ran through “rain” (streamers) and “clouds” (white balloons) and then crash landed in pillows. It was interesting to see that the one or two kids who are really Caleb’s friends were the ones still watching the blue angels video with their wings on after all the other kids had gotten bored with flying and went outside to play. Birds of a feather stick together I guess.
Yes that is a Thomas the Train hat – Caleb’s choice. Who really needs total fealty to the theme?
In the end the kids had the most fun playing with the toys that they brought Caleb as presents. We’ll just start with that next time and see if we can make it last two hours.
Becca posted a few pictures from her birthday celebration, which was our trip to the mountains to see the leaves. I thought I’d post a few more pictures:
It was definitely not an “Eat to Live” approved day. (This picnic spot for dinner was my favorite thing we did all day.)
The food conversion value of the “Eat to Evil” diet we consumed yesterday was about 8 tantrums/meltdowns (today) per marshmallow – although it varies child to child.
Ainsley kept wandering away during dinner over to the parking lot. Not sure why but it was rather amusing.
So Happy Birthday to my wonderful wife! I was blessed to marry the Birthday Queen.
Sorry for picture overload, but it’s better than me writing a 1000 words for each one.
Autumn: the year's last, loveliest smile.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
More Birthdays!

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Been a while!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hey Fam!
We bought our airline tickets for our trip to Omaha coming up in November- it's hard to believe that Gretchen is turning 8- I'm very excited to see them all and to share Gretchen's special day. We have not spent Thanksgiving with Jen and Bry since Gretchen was brand new so we are looking forward to a fun Holiday, and a fun week. Hope everyone is happy and well- love to each of you!